Letter to B II

Dear B,
"It’s surprising to hear u denying the Islamic threats, preaching and danger, several days after British Muslims tried to massacre thousands and were pre-empted.
And not to remind u the subway bombing. And the preaching in the mosques."
First: I am not denying it. I am convinced it exists. That was not what I meant. I was only telling you that the photos where suspicious, the way they were made. And not only the photos themselves, but the expressed wish in the email to "spread them". To "warn" people through email. I will not do it. I am not going to be a link in the fear chain.
“I have several Jewish friends from London. They told me about being Jewish there. Hiding their religion. The threats. Remarks. Bullying. Terror. U probably never heard of those thing while ur living there.”
Second: About being bullied in London: that's really not to be surprised. I was constantly bullied in London. Because of my accent, because of my looks. English people are the most racist and arrogant people in Europe. A guy attacked me on the street because I was speaking Portuguese with a friend. He thought we "fucking emigrants" should speak only English. I worked six months on an English architecture office. My boss, and English woman, never spoke directly to me. My only friends at the office (about 40 people working there) were a Spanish girl, a Welsh and Irish men. I felt it all the time, everywhere, this aggression. Just because I am from southern Europe...
I still feel it sometimes in "good & civilized" Holland. My brother and sister were bullied also in Switzerland. Because we're Portuguese, poor, dark-haired, undisciplined, short, we smell of garlic... you name it. We're also Caucasian, Christian, educated, friendly and have exceptionally good taste for clothing, but that's apparently not enough! All that is different is persecuted.
“They want school and food? The facts regarding their expenses say differently”
Third: Statistics about Syria: apparently they are not to be found. It's very difficult to know what is really happening there, or even what people really think, as the government does not allow the real numbers to come through. What I was telling you about how they think and what do they want, comes from my direct experience with Syrian people, and Jordan people alike. Families we travelled with, shop owners, hotel owners, people in the market, Bedouins in the desert, fancy youth in expensive bars. People from all over: native Jordanians and Syrians, Palestinians, Algerians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Bedouins, Iranians, American-Jordanians and western foreigners living there too. It's amazing the amount of people you end up meeting in such trips! (you know, you've been backpacking quite some time too...) They are not the all population, of course, but they are some of them. And no numbers speak for them.
I think the main thing is that I think of Israel as a western country. And that's maybe true, if it wasn't for it's geographic situation. On the other hand, I do understand, I have even experienced it myself, that the Middle East is not a western region. Western thoughts and views on "right and wrong" cannot be directly applied. I would expect from Israelis though a bit more insight and intelligence in the way you deal with this conflict, as you are more educated, richer, better prepared, better defended and better represented. Do you really think you will totally destroy your enemies? That strength is the answer? For every Hamas or Hezbollah guy you kill, ten more are born. And that's exactly how Arab Countries think too: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...
Specially the Iranian view on the matters: destruction of Israel, period. I find Al-Qaeda's extremist wishes especially interesting: the recuperation of the original Islamic caliphate: Portugal, Spain and south of France included. Wouldn't that be just "wonderful"?! I'm dying to wear my burka!
I hear only extremist approaches. And fear. And death happening everyday. It does not sound like it's going to stop. Though everybody wants peace, we keep on voting for violence. Arabs that I spoke with in Syria, shrouded their shoulders and said: "What can we do?" That's what keeps people from taking action. I am a revolution child. I know the power of people. It amazes me when people themselves do not recognize it. Violence will keep people blind and obedient. Also in Israel.
Anyway, dear, it's enough. I think we should discuss this face to face. Just come to visit me. I'll make some kosher risotto and kosher chocolate mousse (no shrimps included). Then we can talk about this all issue with property...
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